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IntelliCasa’s CEO as Keynote Speaker on Green Smart Home Technology at Green Tech webinar

Our CEO, Elie Kfoury, was one of the keynote speakers at the Green Smart Home Tech webinar which took place on November 4, 2021 in collaboration with the Hounslow Chamber of Commerce.

COP26 is the 2021 United Nations annual climate change conference. COP stands for Conference of the Parties. The 2021 conference, hosted by the UK, together with our partners Italy, took place in Glasgow and was the 26th meeting of the Parties, which is why it's called COP26. To coincide with COP26, Hounslow Chamber hosted a Green Tech webinar, via Zoom on Thursday, 4th November 2021.

In view of the COP26, Elie spoke about the paramount importance of energy management in buildings through SMART Home & Building Technologies since buildings account for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. By implementing efficient energy management systems, we can mitigate the negative effects of buildings carbon footprint.

keynote speakers at the Green smart home Tech webinar

In view of the COP26, Elie spoke about the paramount importance of energy management in buildings through SMART Home & Building Technologies since buildings account for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. By implementing efficient energy management systems, we can mitigate the negative effects of buildings carbon footprint.

According to Eurostat, In the EU, households use the most energy to heat their homes (63.6% of final energy consumption in the residential sector); electricity consumption for lighting and most household appliances is 14.1%, while the share for water heating is slightly higher which corresponds to 14.8%.

Do smart homes save energy?

Smart or connected home appliances can be operated automatically and remotely using your home internet or smartphone in the connected home. This can help save energy and money, as well as lessen any impact on the power grid and make your life easier.

According to research, smart home control can save up to 15% of energy use, and in some cases up to 30%, as in commercial buildings. The main devices that can be connected are the heating and cooling system, hot water system, lighting, blinds and domestic appliances.

Moreover, when smart home systems are integrated with smart grid technology, two-way communication between the energy utility and the consumer is enabled, allowing for real-time data transmission, analytics, and control, as well as making customers aware of their use and potential savings.

IntelliCasa installs efficient energy management systems using cutting-edge SMART technologies. These kinds of technologies can make buildings, whether residential or commercial, more intelligent and more connected. For example, lights only turn off when there is nobody around, room temperature automatically adjusts to keep the space cool or warm enough. By using energy more efficiently there is less waste and fewer carbon emissions. Smart technologies can truly help make buildings more green and eco-sustainable.

IntelliCasa installs efficient energy management systems using cutting-edge SMART technology

How does smart home technology help you save energy?

In particular, some of the energy management control strategies that can be implemented by IntelliCasa smart home systems to save energy in your home and can achieve energy savings of up to 30% are:

• turn lights off or change HVAC set point when going to work

• dim lights and adjust to less comfortable temperatures and lighting scenes

• open blinds and turn lights off when there is sufficient daylight in the room

• the smart home system notifies you or automatically does laundry overnight during off-peak hours of energy demand

• pre-cool or preheat a home in anticipation of a demand response event to reduce energy required to cool or heat during peak period

• reduce energy waste by switching off devices from standby mode.

If you need more information on how you can save energy and lower your energy bills with smart home technology please contact one of our smart home specialists.

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