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Portefeuille de projets

Intellicasa commercial room manaement


Intellicasa residential smart home automation


Intellicasa engineers

Service & Entretien

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Smart automation is transforming how we live, work, and maintain the spaces around us. Our portfolio showcases a variety of projects that demonstrate the breadth and depth of our expertise in smart automation solutions across residential, commercial, and maintenance applications. From modern homes that integrate lighting, heating, and security systems for enhanced comfort and energy efficiency, to commercial spaces that utilize advanced automation for improved operational effectiveness and environmental controls, each project reflects our commitment to innovation and excellence.


In the residential sector, our projects often include the installation of smart thermostats, automated lighting systems, and advanced security features that homeowners can control from their smartphones or voice assistant devices. These smart homes not only offer a higher level of convenience and safety but also contribute to significant energy savings over time. For example, one of our showcase projects involved a fully integrated home system that allowed the homeowner to monitor and control every aspect of their home environment, from adjusting the ambient temperature to scheduling garden irrigation, all through a single, user-friendly interface.


On the commercial side, our focus has been on implementing systems that enhance the functionality and efficiency of office buildings, retail spaces, and hospitality venues. These projects often involve the installation of smart HVAC systems, energy-efficient lighting solutions, and automated security and access control systems. Additionally, our maintenance smart automation services ensure that these systems operate at peak efficiency, with real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance capabilities to prevent downtime and extend the life of the equipment. Each project is tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, ensuring that our smart automation solutions not only meet but exceed their expectations.


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